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Cognitive Science 102A  
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Preparation for Reading
Cognition in the Wild: Chapter 9

Cognition in the Wild Ch. 9: "Cultural Cognition"

Theme of the reading
In chapter 9 I attempt to describe the implications for cognitive science of the ideas presented in the previous 8 chapters. Much of this should seem familiar to you, since many of these issues were also raised by Andy Clark in Mindware.
The key idea in this chapter is my claim that mainstream cognitive science has made a serious mistake by assuming that the cognitive properties of socio-cultural systems are identical to the cognitive properties of the persons who participate in those systems.
This mistake led cognitive science to put symbols in the heads as the fundamental architecture of cognition. I give two accounts of this error. One from the mainstream point of view, and another from the distributed cognition point of view.

Orienting questions and issues to keep in mind:
You should know how this mistake was made, and why it was the wrong thing to do.