

10. Cognitive Consequences of Technology (4) The role of cognition and computation in the development of state-of-the art technologies such as human computational interaction in aviation, air traffic control, medical diagnosis, robotics and telerobotics, and the design and engineering of cognitive artifacts. »»

102A. Distributed Cognition (4) Distributed cognition extends beyond the boundaries of the person to include the environment, artifacts, social interactions, and culture. Major themes are the study of socially distributed cognition and the role of artifacts in human cognition. Prerequisite: upper-division standing. Recommended: Cognitive Science 1 or Cognitive Science 10. »»

102B. Cognitive Ethnography (4) This course examines memory, reasoning, language understanding, learning, and planning directly in everyday, real-world settings. The coursework will include discussions of both the findings and the methodology of naturalistic studies of cognition. Prerequisite: Cognitive Science 102A. »»

102C. Cognitive Design Studio (6) Applications of cognitive science for the design of human-centered systems are explored. An extensive project analyzing an existing system or product or designing a new prototype application is required. Strongly Recommended: Cognitive102A and 102B. »»

120. Human Computer Interaction (4) This course is an introduction to the field of human computer interaction (HCI). It provides an overview of HCI from the perspective of cognitive science. Recommended: Cognitive Science 10 and an introductory programming course. »»

121. Human Computer Interaction Programming (4) This course is an introduction to human computer interaction (HCI) programming. It focuses on architectures, implementation techniques, and cognitive issues involved in designing interactive interfaces. Prerequisite: Cognitive Science 120 or consent of instructor. »»

199. Special Project (2 or 4) This independent study course is for individual, advanced students who wish to complete a one- quarter reading or research project under the mentorship of a faculty member. Students should contact faculty whose research interests them to discuss possible projects. Prerequisites: upper-division standing; 2.5 GPA; consent of instructor and department approval.

220. Information Visualization (4) This seminar surveys current research in information visualization with the goal of preparing students to do original research. The focus is on the cognitive aspects of information design, dynamic representations, and computational techniques. Topics vary each time course is offered. »»