Email is always the best way
to contact me. If possible you should
come to the office hour posted on the course website. If that is not possible send me
email so we can arrange a mutually convenient time. Typically the meeting will
be in room 159 of the Cognitive Science Building.
Getting Involved in Research
If you are interested in getting involved in research in
the Design Lab, you should come to office hour to discuss current
opportunities. If there is mutual interest, you will be invited to
attend lab meetings. Attending lab meetings is an excellent way to
find out about lab activities. In addition, you might consider
doing an honors project or perhaps participating in an independent
study course.
Honors Projects
An honors project involves three quarters of course activity. In the Fall,
you write a project proposal. Based on that proposal, meeting the
grade requirements, and agreement of a faculty advisor, you are
formally admitted into the honors program. Winter quarter is spent
doing the research project. During Spring quarter you complete and
document the project by completing a paper and presenting the
project to a meeting of the department along with other honors
Recommendation Letters
If you are going to ask me to write a recommendation letter for you,
please talk to me well in advance about it. I won't agree to write a
letter unless it can be a strong letter. If I do agree, you will need
to provide me with all the necessary materials at least a month before
the letter is due. You should include your resume, a copy of your
academic transcript, scores on GRE or other relevant exams,
descriptions of all the programs you are applying to and any forms
they require me to use, deadlines for the letters, and any additional
information about yourself (e.g., research lab experience,
internships, a web site with a portfolio of your work, etc.) that
might help me to write a strong letter.
Graduate Applicants to UCSD
If you are interested in working with me, you should apply to the
graduate program in either the Department of Cognitive Science or the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Admission to graduate
programs in both departments is highly competitive. Graduate
admissions committees are looking for evidence of your promise to
become a researcher. Grades, GRE scores, and letters of recommendation
are important factors in the admission decision. In your statement of
purpose you should be clear about your specific interests, why this
particular program is a good fit for you, and describe evidence of
your research experience. Please feel free to contact me via email to
discuss your interest.