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Cognitive Science 260
Winter 2011
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Aim of the Course

The conceptual foundations of cognitive science are in motion. Representation is one of the key concepts of cognitive science. Core features of representations are being shifted or challenged. What representations might be, where and when representations might exist, and how representations may change dynamically are all matters of contention.

In this course we will examine the classical statements of representationalism but will focus on more recent work that challenges the classical views. I am especially interested in the implications of what is called the "enaction" approach to cognition.

The title of the course was inspired by Alva Noe's aphorism, "Perception is not something that happens to us, it is something we do" and directly lifted from the subtitle of Mark Rowland's book Body Language.


Edwin Hutchins
Department of Cognitive Science

Mondays 1:00 - 3:50
CRB Suite 100