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Social Science Research Council: Foreign Area Dissertation Fellowship (1975 - 76)

This grant supported my field work in the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea.


Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: Postdoctoral Fellow in Cognitive Science (1978 - 80)

This fellowship brought me into the Postdoctoral Progam in Cognitive Science run by Donald Norman and David Rumelhart. This wonderful program is where I became a cognitive scientist. Other postdocs in the program included Geoffrey Hinton, Leonard Talmy, Christopher Riesbeck, and James Anderson.


John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation: Foundation Fellow (1985 - 90)

The MacArthur Genius Grant came at a perfect moment for me. In 1984 I had begun my attempts to articulate a theory of distributed cognition. At that time, many people dismissed these attempts as misguided at best. The validation confered by the MacArthur gave me the confidence to continue to move into new territory.


UCSD Alumni Association: Professional Achievement Award (1995)

I am very pleased to have been recognized by the alumni association.


Cognitive Science Society: Fellow of the Society (2002)

As someone who has never held a position in any of the traditional academic disciplines, cognitive science became a home and something of a refuge for me. I am especially grateful for this recognition by my colleagues in cognitive science.