All of the measures of experience with automated airplanes are negatively correlated with both PC1 (discomfort) and PC2 (magic). This is additional evidence that more experience with automation leads to greater comfort with automation.
Total hours is not significantly correlated with any of the principal components.
The ratio of automated to total hours is negatively correlated with PC1, which is expected, and also with PC4, but not PC2. This last result is not expected. It may mean that only the absolute magnitude of experience with automation affects the ``magical'' view of automation.
The relationship of seat to the principal components of the attitude questions was also tested. Captains were significantly higher on PC4 (p.<.004) than First Officers. Since we have no interpretation for PC4, we don't know what this means.
PC1(discomfort), PC3(by the book) and PC4 showed no significant effects for the military training variable. PC2(magic) shows a significant difference in that pilots with airforce training are higher on this component than pilots without military training are.