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A.M. Piper, N. Weibel and J. Hollan, A Pen-Based Toolkit for Authoring Collaborative Language Activities, Extended Abstracts of CSCW 2012, Seattle, USA, February 2012, In Press


Hybrid paper-digital interfaces enabled by digital pens are a promising approach for supporting collaborative language, communication, and socialization activities. Digital pens enhance interaction with traditional paper content by playing and recording audio and recognizing handwriting and gestures. Currently, generating custom interactive paper documents involves some programming, limiting its use by many user groups (e.g., educators and families) who might especially bene t from application of hybrid paper-digital interfaces in their practices. To address this need, we developed an end-user Toolkit for Authoring Pen and Paper Language Activities (TAP & PLAY). End-users are able to quickly create custom interactive materials to support collocated interaction between children, teachers, and family members.